Plan, rehearse and evaluate options (including CPR and first aid) for managing situations where their own or others’ health, safety and wellbeing may be at risk (ACPPS091)- proposing and practising a range of realistic responses to scenarios where peers are encouraging them to take unnecessary risks
- planning and practising responses to emergencies where they may be required to administer first aid to a friend, including CPR
- critiquing the appropriateness and effectiveness of help and support services available for young people in the local community
- examining policies and processes for ensuring safe blood practices when participating in physical activities
Focus VideoKey Task (solo)
Create a Google Document named Year 9 Health - Support Services. Complete the following three tasks:
1. SUPPORT SERVICES: Use the internet to find at least 3 support services for young people. Give a brief (2-3 sentence) review of each service, rating it according to accuracy and relevance to young people. Make sure all references are in correct format (as per diary).
Some options:
YouthFocus - Respectful Relationships
Youth Mental Health
Mental Health Support
Think U Know
Online Safety & Reporting
24-Hour Phone Support
Kids Helpline
Phone & Online Support
Tune In Not Out
Youth Health Info
Get the Facts
Sexual Health Info
Youth Beyond Blue
Info on Depression
Bursting the Bubble
Domestic Violence Support
Youth Health Network
Surviving Rape or Abuse
Internet Safety Info
Youth Focus
Counselling in WA
Love: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Love, Relationships & Sex
The Line
Relationships Info
WA Sexual Health Service
2. SITUATION: Describe a realistic situation where a young person requires first aid and/or support after engaging in risky behaviour.
3. SCRIPT: Create a script that describes a bystander who witnesses the above scenario and calls a helpline and receives appropriate information on how to respond (including CPR and safe blood practices).
When completed, share the document with bradflynn@carmelcollege.net and see Mr Flynn.
Extension Task (pairs)
4. Find a partner and use a device (phone, iPad, laptop) to do an audio recording of your script.
Upload the audio file to your Google Drive and share with bradflynn@carmelcollege.net
MARKING KEY (24 marks total)
Website Review (9 marks)
- at least 3 sources of quality information / support services for young people are referenced
- a brief review of each source is given in terms of its appropriateness and effectiveness for young people.
- a rating is given for each website (based on accuracy and relevance for young people)
- the situation is realistic for young people.
- the helpline operator receives a clear description of what happened
- the helpline operator asks relevant questions
- if applicable, the topics of CPR and safe blood practices are raised
- the helpline operator gives appropriate and effective advice