

Evaluate factors that shape identities, and analyse how individuals impact the identities of others (ACPPS089)
  • analysing how societal norms, stereotypes and expectations influence the way young people think about their bodies, food, physical activity, sexual health, drugs and/or risk-taking behaviours
  • examining how diversity and gender are represented in the media and communities, and investigating the influence these representations have on identities
  • analysing the role of family, friends and community in supporting an individual’s identities, and proposing strategies to enhance their own and others’ wellbeing
  • investigating how cultural beliefs and practices surrounding transitions to adulthood differ between cultures

ASSESSMENT (Week 3 - Submit in class)

Produce a three-part paper / presentation that uses words and images to describe your

1. Group Identity (5 marks)
  • What are the societal norms and stereotypes about someone your age and gender (e.g. 15 year old male or 14 year old female).
  • Explore areas such as bodies, food, physical activity, gender/sex, relationships, risk-taking behaviours, culture, religion.
2. Online Identity (5 marks)
  • How do you (or would you) present yourself in an online world?
  • Use existing photos, videos, text etc to support your answer.
3. Real Identity (5 marks)
  • Describe in words and images who you REALLY are.
  • How closely does this match with your Group Identity and Online Identity?
  • Describe ways your family, friends, church and community support the 'real' you.
Before you submit, make sure you have addressed each of the points above.

Submit your finished paper / presentation by email to 
with the Subject: Identity - <your name>