Propose, practise and evaluate responses in situations where external influences may impact on their ability to make healthy and safe choices (ACPPS092)
- critiquing images and messages in the media that portray what it means to have a good time and be fun to be around, and evaluating how these images can be interpreted
- examining local fast-food options, making healthy selections and advocating healthy choices to peers
- exploring external influences on sexuality and sexual health behaviours, and recognising the impact that decisions and actions can have on own and others’ health and wellbeing
- evaluating the influence of personal, social, environmental and cultural factors on decisions and actions young people take in relation to their health, safety and wellbeing
Do a very short 1-3 minute presentation on how an advert is designed to influence a young person to make an unhealthy choice.Note how the advertisements usually do this by associating positive feelings with the product. (e.g. having fun when eating fast-food, drinking alcohol, deodorant etc.)
You will need to present the advertisement to the class and share your evaluation:
- What is the message/s?
- How could this message influence a person's choices?
- What ways could this affect a person's health?
- How can a person's 'personal' decision impact the health, safety and wellbeing of others (give some relevant examples)?
- What can help a person make healthy and safe choices even when they are surrounded by images / messages that promote unhealthy or risk-taking behaviour.
MARKING KEY (25 marks total)
- Identifies the key message/s of the advertisement. (5 marks)
- Discusses how this message could influence a person's choices. (5 marks)
- Identifies multiples ways this choice could impact a person's health. (5 marks)
- Explores, by giving examples, how a 'personal' decision can impact the health, safety and wellbeing of others? (5 marks)
- Identifies a range of ways a person can make healthy and safe choices even when they are surrounded by images / messages that promote unhealthy or risk-taking behaviour. (5 marks)
- Audio / visual presentation. (3 marks)
- Speaking clearly (2 marks).