Sunday 27 April 2014

The Rite Journey Together

The Rite Journey program is designed to help you make a successful transition from childhood to adulthood.

This includes making healthy, safe and positive choices that benefit you and those around you.

So in addition to our Wednesday afternoon gender-specific group times, we will also be having mixed-gender 'together' classes.

The Rite Journey Together classes will be on either Tuesday / Thursday afternoons, Period 6.

We will be using the new Health and Physical Education Learning Area of the Australian Curriculum (Year 9 - 10) which complements what we are doing in The Rite Journey.

In Term 2 we will be explore Being Healthy, Safe and Active and will explore
  • Identity
  • Transitions and Relationships
  • Managing Risky Situations
  • Evaluating Media Influences

and cover various health topics such as

  • alcohol and other drugs
  • food and nutrition
  • physical and mental health
  • relationships and sexuality
  • safety

We will also have a regular Q&A Time (question and answer time) where we will explore the health-related issues YOU want to discuss.

Put your question in the Q&A box at the start of every The Rite Journey Together class.